19. СУ "Елин Пелин"'s brand icon

19. СУ "Елин Пелин"



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About 19. СУ "Елин Пелин"


19. СУ Елин Пелин is a renowned education institution in Sofia, Bulgaria, offering a unique learning experience to students. With a focus on business and entrepreneurship, the school aims to prepare students to become forward-thinking leaders in the business world.

At 19. СУ Елин Пелин, students benefit from intensive language studies, including English, German, Norwegian, and Danish. This multilingual approach helps broaden their horizons and equips them with valuable language skills for the globalized economy.

In addition to language training, the school also emphasizes the development of digital and business skills. Students have access to the latest technologies and learn how to utilize them effectively, giving them a competitive advantage in the modern business landscape. The school provides a stimulating environment that nurtures creativity, innovation, and initiative.

It offers various opportunities for personal growth and self-expression, including practical training, guest lectures from industry professionals, internships, and innovative camps. With its commitment to excellence, 19. СУ Елин Пелин empowers students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and future leaders


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