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Alamy is the world's most diverse stock photo collection with over 345 million images, vectors, and videos. Our portfolio is constantly enriched with more than 100,000 new images every day from photographers and photo agencies spanning 173 countries. We offer our photographers a higher percentage than our competitors, ensuring their work is easily accessible online.
Not only is our collection vast, but it is also more unique and extensive than any other library available. This makes us the go-to choice for thousands of creatives, including designers, marketers, editors, and publishers, who rely on the expertise of our top professional photographers. Our customer service team, available worldwide, provides excellent support through email, phone, or live chat.
We cater to clients all around the world, and our contributors share our vision. We believe in a fair and transparent process, with no exclusivity contracts, allowing photographers the freedom to choose what they want to sell. By commissioning a higher rate than our competitors and supporting student photographers through our 100% students project, we are committed to a more just world.
Our mission is to change the world image by image, making all stories visible. At Alamy, everyone has a voice, and we empower you to tell your story. We take pride in our unique approach, and philanthropy is at the core of our company.
We contribute a significant portion of our operating profits to charitable causes. Over the years, we have donated over 6 million dollars and distributed solar lamps in Haiti, South India, and South Sudan. Join the Alamy community today and experience the difference in our diverse collection, exceptional support, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world
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Computers Electronics and Technology