MOT DE LA DIRECTRICE GÉNÉRALEMme Annick Patricia MONGO Au lendemain des indépendances, l’économie congolaise était l’une des plus florissantes d’Afrique avec un tissu agro-industriel conséquent et des activités performantes, notamment dans les domaines de la pêche, du textile, des matériaux de construction, et autres industries manufacturières.
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Api Congo is an agency committed to promoting investments in the Republic of Congo. Led by Director General Annick Patricia MONGO, Api Congo aims to revitalize the Congolese economy to its former prosperous state. The country was historically one of Africa's most flourishing economies, with significant agro-industrial fabric and successful activities in sectors such as fishing, textiles, construction materials, and manufacturing.
Api Congo offers various services and opportunities to investors interested in the Congolese market. With a president's portrait and a presentation of the country, potential investors can gain insight into the business environment. The agency provides a portfolio of private and public projects, encouraging individuals to submit their ideas for consideration.
Moreover, the website highlights seven compelling reasons to invest in Congo. Api Congo also participates in key events and initiatives, such as economic forums and summits, promoting partnerships and collaboration. By offering a friendly and helpful population, a large accessible market, and key sectors like agriculture, industry, special economic zones, tourism, digital economy, and real estate, Api Congo provides an ideal platform for investment opportunities in the Republic of Congo
Brand industry
Law and Government
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Government Agency
Year founded
MOT DE LA DIRECTRICE GÉNÉRALEMme Annick Patricia MONGO Au lendemain des indépendances, l’économie congolaise était l’une des plus florissantes d’Afrique avec un tissu agro-industriel conséquent et des activités performantes, notamment dans les domaines de la pêche, du textile, des matériaux de construction, et autres industries manufacturières. Lire en entier LE CONGO EN QUELQUES CHIFFRES 4
Api Congo is an agency committed to promoting investments in the Republic of Congo. Led by Director General Annick Patricia MONGO, Api Congo aims to revitalize the Congolese economy to its former prosperous state. The country was historically one of Africa's most flourishing economies, with significant agro-industrial fabric and successful activities in sectors such as fishing, textiles, construction materials, and manufacturing.
Api Congo offers various services and opportunities to investors interested in the Congolese market. With a president's portrait and a presentation of the country, potential investors can gain insight into the business environment. The agency provides a portfolio of private and public projects, encouraging individuals to submit their ideas for consideration.
Moreover, the website highlights seven compelling reasons to invest in Congo. Api Congo also participates in key events and initiatives, such as economic forums and summits, promoting partnerships and collaboration. By offering a friendly and helpful population, a large accessible market, and key sectors like agriculture, industry, special economic zones, tourism, digital economy, and real estate, Api Congo provides an ideal platform for investment opportunities in the Republic of Congo
Brand industry
Law and Government
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Government Agency
Year founded