Tropische Süßwasserfische sind unsere Welt und unsere Passion.
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Welcome to the website of Aquarium Glaser - Aquarium Glaser GmbH. We are passionate about tropical freshwater fish and pride ourselves on our knowledgeable advice and extensive selection. We are renowned for our ability to source those special fish.
While we primarily supply wholesale, don't hesitate to browse our online fish database, gather inspiration, or sign up for our newsletter. Stay updated with our latest news on Enneacampus ansorgii, Baryancistrus xanthellus L81c Sao Felix, Brachygobius sabanus Vietnam, Lentipes argenteus, and more. In partnership with the German government's Jobs bei Aquarium Glaser initiative, we offer exciting job opportunities.
Whether you're looking for a specific fish or simply seeking expert guidance, Aquarium Glaser is here to assist you. We prioritize your privacy and continuously improve our website through cookie settings. Learn more about our services and contact us for all your aquarium needs.
© 2005-2023 Aquarium Glaser GmbH - All rights reserved
Brand industry
Heavy Industry and Engineering
Construction and Maintenance
Brand size
2-10 employees
Tropische Süßwasserfische sind unsere Welt und unsere Passion. Kompetente Beratung und große Auswahl zeichnen uns aus und für die Fähigkeit, den „besonderen Fisch“ besorgen zu können, sind wir bekannt. Daß wir ausschliesslich den Großhandel beliefern, sollte Sie jedoch nicht davon abhalten, in unserer Online-Fischdatenbank zu stöbern, sich die ein oder andere Anregung zu holen oder […]
Welcome to the website of Aquarium Glaser - Aquarium Glaser GmbH. We are passionate about tropical freshwater fish and pride ourselves on our knowledgeable advice and extensive selection. We are renowned for our ability to source those special fish.
While we primarily supply wholesale, don't hesitate to browse our online fish database, gather inspiration, or sign up for our newsletter. Stay updated with our latest news on Enneacampus ansorgii, Baryancistrus xanthellus L81c Sao Felix, Brachygobius sabanus Vietnam, Lentipes argenteus, and more. In partnership with the German government's Jobs bei Aquarium Glaser initiative, we offer exciting job opportunities.
Whether you're looking for a specific fish or simply seeking expert guidance, Aquarium Glaser is here to assist you. We prioritize your privacy and continuously improve our website through cookie settings. Learn more about our services and contact us for all your aquarium needs.
© 2005-2023 Aquarium Glaser GmbH - All rights reserved
Brand industry
Heavy Industry and Engineering
Construction and Maintenance
Brand size
2-10 employees