C' LANCER est un organisme de formation spécialisé en accompagnement professionnel et conseil en communication.
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C'LANCER is a specialized training organization that offers professional coaching and communication consulting services. We design personalized training programs and guide you in creating or revamping your company's image, as well as developing your skills through VAE (Validation of Prior Learning). As an association governed by the 1901 law, we are certified with QUALIOPI, ensuring the quality of our training, validation of prior learning, and skills assessment actions.
Our mission at C'LANCER is to support the skill development of individuals facing social and economic challenges, including those from priority neighborhoods in Martinique and mainland France. We provide training, skills assessment, and VAE services to promote their integration and employment. Additionally, we offer career management advice and services such as skills assessment and job search techniques.
With our expertise and Qualiopi certification, we guarantee a structured and professional approach to all our services. Trust your instincts when choosing a service provider, as personal connection is crucial in VAE and consulting services. Connect with us on social media and visit our website for more information
Brand industry
Science and Education
Business Training
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded
C' LANCER est un organisme de formation spécialisé en accompagnement professionnel et conseil en communication. Nous concevons des parcours personnalisés. Nous vous accompagnons dans la création ou la refonte de l'image de votre société mais également dans le développement de vos compétences par la VAE.
C'LANCER is a specialized training organization that offers professional coaching and communication consulting services. We design personalized training programs and guide you in creating or revamping your company's image, as well as developing your skills through VAE (Validation of Prior Learning). As an association governed by the 1901 law, we are certified with QUALIOPI, ensuring the quality of our training, validation of prior learning, and skills assessment actions.
Our mission at C'LANCER is to support the skill development of individuals facing social and economic challenges, including those from priority neighborhoods in Martinique and mainland France. We provide training, skills assessment, and VAE services to promote their integration and employment. Additionally, we offer career management advice and services such as skills assessment and job search techniques.
With our expertise and Qualiopi certification, we guarantee a structured and professional approach to all our services. Trust your instincts when choosing a service provider, as personal connection is crucial in VAE and consulting services. Connect with us on social media and visit our website for more information
Brand industry
Science and Education
Business Training
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded