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Nezisková organizace, která pomáhá ženám, dÄtem a dalÅ¡Ãm poznat svÄt informaÄnÃch technologiÃ.


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About Czechitas


Czechitas is a renowned Czech brand that focuses on shaping a more inclusive society through technology education and empowerment. With a mission to support marginalized individuals, Czechitas equips them with the skills of tomorrow, improving their employability and opening doors to new opportunities. By offering a range of programs and resources, Czechitas allows everyone to learn and thrive in the digital economy.

Since its inception, Czechitas has aided thousands of individuals worldwide in unlocking their technical potential. With a strong emphasis on upskilling and reskilling, the brand understands the importance of preparing people for the jobs of the future and ensuring equal access to opportunities. Their dedication is reflected in their impressive statistics, with a positive graduation outcome for 79% of their learners and a graduation rate of 89%.

Czechitas also actively promotes gender diversity, with 59% of their learners being women-identifying individuals. Czechitas is part of the larger INCO Group, a global organization that fosters environmentally sustainable and socially responsible economies in 50 countries. Through investments and support, INCO Group nurtures innovative companies that are leading the way in shaping the future.

With a presence in various locations worldwide, including the US, France, Indonesia, Rwanda, South Africa, Hong Kong, and Australia, Czechitas is committed to making a positive impact on a global scale. Join Czechitas and be part of a community that values skills, diversity, and the power of technology to create a more inclusive and prosperous future. Contact Czechitas today to embark on your journey towards a successful career in the digital world


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Science and Education

Business Training

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201-500 employees

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Czechitas's brand icon

Nezisková organizace, která pomáhá ženám, dÄtem a dalÅ¡Ãm poznat svÄt informaÄnÃch technologiÃ. Seznam se s IT na kurzech pro zaÄáteÄnice i pokroÄilé.

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Czechitas's logos



Czechitas's logos



Czechitas's logos



Czechitas's logos



About Czechitas


Czechitas is a renowned Czech brand that focuses on shaping a more inclusive society through technology education and empowerment. With a mission to support marginalized individuals, Czechitas equips them with the skills of tomorrow, improving their employability and opening doors to new opportunities. By offering a range of programs and resources, Czechitas allows everyone to learn and thrive in the digital economy.

Since its inception, Czechitas has aided thousands of individuals worldwide in unlocking their technical potential. With a strong emphasis on upskilling and reskilling, the brand understands the importance of preparing people for the jobs of the future and ensuring equal access to opportunities. Their dedication is reflected in their impressive statistics, with a positive graduation outcome for 79% of their learners and a graduation rate of 89%.

Czechitas also actively promotes gender diversity, with 59% of their learners being women-identifying individuals. Czechitas is part of the larger INCO Group, a global organization that fosters environmentally sustainable and socially responsible economies in 50 countries. Through investments and support, INCO Group nurtures innovative companies that are leading the way in shaping the future.

With a presence in various locations worldwide, including the US, France, Indonesia, Rwanda, South Africa, Hong Kong, and Australia, Czechitas is committed to making a positive impact on a global scale. Join Czechitas and be part of a community that values skills, diversity, and the power of technology to create a more inclusive and prosperous future. Contact Czechitas today to embark on your journey towards a successful career in the digital world


Brand industry

Science and Education

Business Training

Brand size

201-500 employees

Company type


Year founded


Brand Assets

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