Lucru în Chișinău, Moldova cu salariu până la 75.
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Delucru. md is a brand that offers a modern and user-friendly website for employers to connect with talented professionals. With a focus on providing a seamless recruitment process, delucru.
md allows you to publish an unlimited number of job postings for free, which are displayed for 3 months. By working with over 2,000 companies and managing more than 10,000 job postings, delucru. md has the expertise to help you recruit high-performing specialists while saving you time.
Not only does delucru. md promote your job openings, but they also highlight your employer brand, showcasing your company culture, benefits, values, and mission. Stay informed about market trends with regular updates from delucru.
md, ensuring that you are always up-to-date and attractive to candidates. Their modern and user-friendly platform allows you to easily add jobs, set filters, and customize your employer profile. With delucru.
md's professionalism and dedication, they will guide you at every step, from creating an attractive employer profile to understanding how the site works and maximizing its benefits
Brand industry
Jobs and Career
Human Resources
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Privately Held
Lucru în Chișinău, Moldova cu salariu până la 75.000 MDL repartizate pe orașe și rubrici. Vezi poziții vacante din peste 3500 companii active.
Delucru. md is a brand that offers a modern and user-friendly website for employers to connect with talented professionals. With a focus on providing a seamless recruitment process, delucru.
md allows you to publish an unlimited number of job postings for free, which are displayed for 3 months. By working with over 2,000 companies and managing more than 10,000 job postings, delucru. md has the expertise to help you recruit high-performing specialists while saving you time.
Not only does delucru. md promote your job openings, but they also highlight your employer brand, showcasing your company culture, benefits, values, and mission. Stay informed about market trends with regular updates from delucru.
md, ensuring that you are always up-to-date and attractive to candidates. Their modern and user-friendly platform allows you to easily add jobs, set filters, and customize your employer profile. With delucru.
md's professionalism and dedication, they will guide you at every step, from creating an attractive employer profile to understanding how the site works and maximizing its benefits
Brand industry
Jobs and Career
Human Resources
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Privately Held