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Vi är Folklistan.


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About Folklistan


Folklistan is not your typical political party — we are a collaborative effort among individuals spanning the political spectrum from right to left, who are fed up with restrictive party cultures and party whips. Our aim is to set boundaries for the EU and challenge the political establishment. With a focus on transparency and inclusivity, we offer an open candidate list for the European Parliament elections, inviting everyone to participate.

Additionally, through The Jan Emanuel Collection, consisting of 20,000 unique digital collectibles, we support our political campaign for the European Parliament elections. By purchasing an NFT, you gain access to opinion tokens to vote on crucial policy decisions and influence campaign strategy. Join us in shaping the future of European politics.

Explore our collection and get involved today


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Folklistan's brand icon

Vi är Folklistan. Vi är inget parti. Vi är en valsamverkan mellan människor med olika politisk bakgrund från höger till vänster som har tröttnat på hämmande partikulturer och partipiskor.

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Folklistan's logos



Folklistan's logos



About Folklistan


Folklistan is not your typical political party — we are a collaborative effort among individuals spanning the political spectrum from right to left, who are fed up with restrictive party cultures and party whips. Our aim is to set boundaries for the EU and challenge the political establishment. With a focus on transparency and inclusivity, we offer an open candidate list for the European Parliament elections, inviting everyone to participate.

Additionally, through The Jan Emanuel Collection, consisting of 20,000 unique digital collectibles, we support our political campaign for the European Parliament elections. By purchasing an NFT, you gain access to opinion tokens to vote on crucial policy decisions and influence campaign strategy. Join us in shaping the future of European politics.

Explore our collection and get involved today


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Business and Consumer Services

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