Feiner Fisch und Sylter Lebensart: Leckere GOSCH-Rezepte, frische Infos, alle Veranstaltungen und Infos zu den Standorten.
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GOSCH Sylt | List is a renowned brand that embodies the essence of fine fish and the Sylt lifestyle. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, they offer a range of delicious GOSCH recipes, fresh information, and details about all their locations and events. Whether you're looking for a classic fish sandwich, grilled fish, or a selection of white, rosΓ©, or red wines, GOSCH has got you covered.
Their extensive wine collection offers interesting alternatives from around the world, perfect for pairing with their delectable seafood dishes. Explore their GOSCH Feinkostmanufaktur for exquisite delicacies. Apart from their exceptional culinary offerings, GOSCH also provides jobs and a unique brand experience.
Join the GOSCH-Lounge for exclusive benefits and shop their timeless classics online. Immerse yourself in the authentic GOSCH spirit and indulge in the taste of the sea. Visit their website to find out more about their locations, events, and recipes or to purchase GOSCH gift vouchers
Brand industry
Food and Drink
Feiner Fisch und Sylter Lebensart: Leckere GOSCH-Rezepte, frische Infos, alle Veranstaltungen und Infos zu den Standorten. Jetzt reinklicken!
GOSCH Sylt | List is a renowned brand that embodies the essence of fine fish and the Sylt lifestyle. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, they offer a range of delicious GOSCH recipes, fresh information, and details about all their locations and events. Whether you're looking for a classic fish sandwich, grilled fish, or a selection of white, rosΓ©, or red wines, GOSCH has got you covered.
Their extensive wine collection offers interesting alternatives from around the world, perfect for pairing with their delectable seafood dishes. Explore their GOSCH Feinkostmanufaktur for exquisite delicacies. Apart from their exceptional culinary offerings, GOSCH also provides jobs and a unique brand experience.
Join the GOSCH-Lounge for exclusive benefits and shop their timeless classics online. Immerse yourself in the authentic GOSCH spirit and indulge in the taste of the sea. Visit their website to find out more about their locations, events, and recipes or to purchase GOSCH gift vouchers
Brand industry
Food and Drink