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Deine Gründungsberatung - wir beraten alle Studierenden, Wissenschaftler*innen und Hochschulangehörige der Stadt Lübeck.


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About GründerCube


Welcome to GründerCube! GründerCube is the joint start-up consultancy of the University of Lübeck and the Technical University of Lübeck, located at the Hanse Innovation Campus Lübeck. We offer comprehensive support and guidance to students, researchers, and alumni from both universities, from idea generation to creating a business model and launching your own start-up. Additionally, we provide a wide range of workshops and events related to entrepreneurship.

One of our recurring events is the Mittwochtreff, where you can learn about starting a business and gain valuable management skills from our experts. We also proudly present the Gründerpreis der Sparkasse zu Lübeck, an award that recognizes outstanding business concepts, meticulously researched markets, and strong individuals or teams. Entrepreneurs from all faculties of the University of Lübeck, the Technical University of Lübeck, and the UKSH Campus Lübeck are eligible to participate.

Join us and unleash your entrepreneurial potential! Contact us today to start your journey towards success


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GründerCube's brand icon

Deine Gründungsberatung - wir beraten alle Studierenden, Wissenschaftler*innen und Hochschulangehörige der Stadt Lübeck.

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About GründerCube


Welcome to GründerCube! GründerCube is the joint start-up consultancy of the University of Lübeck and the Technical University of Lübeck, located at the Hanse Innovation Campus Lübeck. We offer comprehensive support and guidance to students, researchers, and alumni from both universities, from idea generation to creating a business model and launching your own start-up. Additionally, we provide a wide range of workshops and events related to entrepreneurship.

One of our recurring events is the Mittwochtreff, where you can learn about starting a business and gain valuable management skills from our experts. We also proudly present the Gründerpreis der Sparkasse zu Lübeck, an award that recognizes outstanding business concepts, meticulously researched markets, and strong individuals or teams. Entrepreneurs from all faculties of the University of Lübeck, the Technical University of Lübeck, and the UKSH Campus Lübeck are eligible to participate.

Join us and unleash your entrepreneurial potential! Contact us today to start your journey towards success


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Jobs and Career

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2-10 employees

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