Wenn Sie nach qualifiziertem Personal suchen, müssen Sie im Jahr 2023 ganz neue Wege gehen, wie Social Recruiting, Employer Branding, etc.
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Huntercoach is a brand that offers a range of services to help businesses find qualified personnel in today's rapidly changing recruitment landscape. In 2023, traditional methods such as job portals are no longer effective in attracting top talent. To address this, Huntercoach specializes in social recruiting, employer branding, active sourcing, and talent mining.
They understand the importance of being where potential employees are and creating a positive perception of your company to attract the best candidates. Huntercoach also offers services such as recruiting process optimization, onboarding process development, recruiter coaching, and modern job advertisement creation. They emphasize the need for companies to focus on their strengths and offer a meaningful work experience, rather than solely relying on monetary compensation.
By leveraging their expertise, businesses can turn the challenge of a talent shortage into an opportunity. Contact Huntercoach for a free consultation and start building your exceptional recruitment strategy today
Brand industry
Business and Consumer Services
Business Services
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded
Wenn Sie nach qualifiziertem Personal suchen, müssen Sie im Jahr 2023 ganz neue Wege gehen, wie Social Recruiting, Employer Branding, etc.
Huntercoach is a brand that offers a range of services to help businesses find qualified personnel in today's rapidly changing recruitment landscape. In 2023, traditional methods such as job portals are no longer effective in attracting top talent. To address this, Huntercoach specializes in social recruiting, employer branding, active sourcing, and talent mining.
They understand the importance of being where potential employees are and creating a positive perception of your company to attract the best candidates. Huntercoach also offers services such as recruiting process optimization, onboarding process development, recruiter coaching, and modern job advertisement creation. They emphasize the need for companies to focus on their strengths and offer a meaningful work experience, rather than solely relying on monetary compensation.
By leveraging their expertise, businesses can turn the challenge of a talent shortage into an opportunity. Contact Huntercoach for a free consultation and start building your exceptional recruitment strategy today
Brand industry
Business and Consumer Services
Business Services
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded