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ITEK Green Technologies leverer løsninger for fangst av utslipp og energieffektivisering til industri- og bedriftsmarkedet.


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About Itek


Itek is a leading brand in energy, cooling, and heating systems for buildings and industries. With over 30 years of experience, Itek Green Technologies offers a wide range of solutions for energy recovery, reuse of surplus heat, and significant energy savings in your company. Their expertise extends to heat exchangers for process industries and buildings, flue gas heat exchangers for aggressive environments, and customized solutions for reusing surplus heat.

Itek also provides comprehensive services, including project planning, installation of complete recovery systems, and maintenance to ensure optimal energy utilization in the long term. They represent international and reputable manufacturers, as well as offering customer-tailored and in-house solutions. In addition, Itek specializes in providing pollution capture solutions for the production and process industry, complying with environmental regulations and meeting industry demands.

Whether your challenge is in the industry, construction, offshore/marine, or any other sector, Itek Green Technologies has the knowledge and expertise to assist you. Connect with them today to explore their smart solutions for energy and pollution capture


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Heavy Industry and Engineering

Construction and Maintenance

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11-50 employees

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Privately Held

Year founded


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Itek's brand icon

ITEK Green Technologies leverer løsninger for fangst av utslipp og energieffektivisering til industri- og bedriftsmarkedet. Med 30 års erfaring, er vi en av landets ledende kompetansebedrifter i faget. Vi leverer kunnskap til prosessindustri, produksjonsbedrifter, offshoreinstallasjoner, kommunale og andre bygg for å redusere forurensende ytre utslipp, forbedre innemiljø, levere energianlegg eller redusere energiforbruket. Velg «Utfordring» eller …

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About Itek


Itek is a leading brand in energy, cooling, and heating systems for buildings and industries. With over 30 years of experience, Itek Green Technologies offers a wide range of solutions for energy recovery, reuse of surplus heat, and significant energy savings in your company. Their expertise extends to heat exchangers for process industries and buildings, flue gas heat exchangers for aggressive environments, and customized solutions for reusing surplus heat.

Itek also provides comprehensive services, including project planning, installation of complete recovery systems, and maintenance to ensure optimal energy utilization in the long term. They represent international and reputable manufacturers, as well as offering customer-tailored and in-house solutions. In addition, Itek specializes in providing pollution capture solutions for the production and process industry, complying with environmental regulations and meeting industry demands.

Whether your challenge is in the industry, construction, offshore/marine, or any other sector, Itek Green Technologies has the knowledge and expertise to assist you. Connect with them today to explore their smart solutions for energy and pollution capture


Brand industry

Heavy Industry and Engineering

Construction and Maintenance

Brand size

11-50 employees

Company type

Privately Held

Year founded


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