NVO Ja bih u EU (JaBiHEU) ima izuzetno motiviran tim i mrežu lokalnih partnera koji kombinuju solidne rezultate u razvoju, vođenju i implementaciji projekata o pitanjima euro-atlantskih integracija u Bosni i Hercegovini i regionu.
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JaBiHEU (NVO Ja bih u EU) is a brand that promotes European integration and European values in the Western Balkans. With a highly motivated team and a network of local partners, they have achieved solid results in the development, management, and implementation of projects related to Euro-Atlantic integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. They have a deep understanding of the political, economic, security, cultural, and media environment, which has helped shape various projects focusing on issues relevant to democratic processes and reforms in the country, reflecting the concerns and priorities of different communities.
JaBiHEU offers a range of services, including training for young people on Euro-Atlantic integrations and academy organizations, as well as production and monitoring services. Through their digital platforms, such as prepoznaj. ba, and the network Mladi za bolje medije (Youth for Better Media), they aim to foster equal access and provide a platform for young voices.
Contact JaBiHEU for more information and join their newsletter to stay updated on their latest initiatives
Brand industry
Business and Consumer Services
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded
NVO Ja bih u EU (JaBiHEU) ima izuzetno motiviran tim i mrežu lokalnih partnera koji kombinuju solidne rezultate u razvoju, vođenju i implementaciji projekata o pitanjima euro-atlantskih integracija u Bosni i Hercegovini i regionu. Veliko poznavanje političkog, ekonomskog, sigurnosnog, kulturnog i medijskog okruženja i svijest o potencijalnim preprekama uspjehu – pomoglo je u oblikovanju različitih projekata stavljajući fokus na pitanja relevantna za procese demokratizacije i reformi u zemlji, odražavajući brige i prioritete različitih zajednica.
JaBiHEU (NVO Ja bih u EU) is a brand that promotes European integration and European values in the Western Balkans. With a highly motivated team and a network of local partners, they have achieved solid results in the development, management, and implementation of projects related to Euro-Atlantic integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. They have a deep understanding of the political, economic, security, cultural, and media environment, which has helped shape various projects focusing on issues relevant to democratic processes and reforms in the country, reflecting the concerns and priorities of different communities.
JaBiHEU offers a range of services, including training for young people on Euro-Atlantic integrations and academy organizations, as well as production and monitoring services. Through their digital platforms, such as prepoznaj. ba, and the network Mladi za bolje medije (Youth for Better Media), they aim to foster equal access and provide a platform for young voices.
Contact JaBiHEU for more information and join their newsletter to stay updated on their latest initiatives
Brand industry
Business and Consumer Services
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Year founded