Kinnisvarauudised on Eesti juhtiv kinnisvaraarenduse ja halduse portaal ja kinnisvaraalaste konverentside korraldaja.
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Kinnisvarauudised is Estonia's leading real estate development and management portal, as well as a conference organizer in the field. We cover a wide range of real estate topics, from development to management and maintenance. Our platform provides up-to-date news and insights on real estate trends in Estonia and abroad.
We are proud to present the top 22 revenue-generating development companies in 2022, showcasing their impressive growth compared to the previous year. Additionally, we highlight the top 26 real estate moguls who belong to the 100 million club. Our articles also delve into the challenges faced by developers and large investors, as well as the changing dynamics of the housing market.
We offer a diverse range of events and training opportunities, including entrepreneurship courses, architecture and development conferences, and real estate management forums. Stay informed and subscribe to our newsletter to receive exclusive updates and special offers
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
201-500 employees
Company type
Privately Held
Kinnisvarauudised on Eesti juhtiv kinnisvaraarenduse ja halduse portaal ja kinnisvaraalaste konverentside korraldaja. Kajastame kinnisvarateemasid arendusest halduse ja hoolduseni.
Kinnisvarauudised is Estonia's leading real estate development and management portal, as well as a conference organizer in the field. We cover a wide range of real estate topics, from development to management and maintenance. Our platform provides up-to-date news and insights on real estate trends in Estonia and abroad.
We are proud to present the top 22 revenue-generating development companies in 2022, showcasing their impressive growth compared to the previous year. Additionally, we highlight the top 26 real estate moguls who belong to the 100 million club. Our articles also delve into the challenges faced by developers and large investors, as well as the changing dynamics of the housing market.
We offer a diverse range of events and training opportunities, including entrepreneurship courses, architecture and development conferences, and real estate management forums. Stay informed and subscribe to our newsletter to receive exclusive updates and special offers
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
201-500 employees
Company type
Privately Held