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LiveStream. mk by 2S is a brand that specializes in live streaming services and solutions. Whether you need support for online events, conferences, or congresses, LiveStream.
mk has got you covered. They offer fully branded live streaming experiences, including graphic solutions, logos, advertising opportunities, picture-in-picture using services like zoom. us, and more for seminars, symposiums, and various online events.
They can also create a customized web page for your event and provide live streaming on platforms like YouTube and Facebook if needed. Additionally, LiveStream. mk offers coverage for music events, sporting events, corporate events, and private events with multiple cameras, drone footage, and the option for simultaneous streaming on multiple channels like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
They pride themselves on using the latest technology and ensuring stability in their live streams. Contact LiveStream. mk to elevate your live streaming experience
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Public Company
Добредојдовте во livestream.mk, дел од 2С Потребен ви е пренос или поддршка во живо за: Online Настани, Конференции, Конгреси Дали знаевте дека вашиот онлајн настан може да изгледа поинаку? Целосно брендирање, поддршка, графички решенија, логоа, можност за реклами, слика во слика на сервисот zoom.us и сличните сервиси како него за семинари, конгреси, симпозиуми и секакви онлајн […]
LiveStream. mk by 2S is a brand that specializes in live streaming services and solutions. Whether you need support for online events, conferences, or congresses, LiveStream.
mk has got you covered. They offer fully branded live streaming experiences, including graphic solutions, logos, advertising opportunities, picture-in-picture using services like zoom. us, and more for seminars, symposiums, and various online events.
They can also create a customized web page for your event and provide live streaming on platforms like YouTube and Facebook if needed. Additionally, LiveStream. mk offers coverage for music events, sporting events, corporate events, and private events with multiple cameras, drone footage, and the option for simultaneous streaming on multiple channels like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
They pride themselves on using the latest technology and ensuring stability in their live streams. Contact LiveStream. mk to elevate your live streaming experience
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
2-10 employees
Company type
Public Company