Unter unserer Marke OIL! betreiben wir seit 1994 ein kontinuierlich wachsendes Tankstellennetz in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Dänemark.
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Under our brand OIL!, we have been operating a continuously expanding network of gas stations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Denmark since 1994. OIL! Tankstellen GmbH - My local gas station Gas station finder & fuel prices Login for partners Become a gas station partner Websites of the OIL! Group Germany OIL! Austria OIL! Switzerland OIL! Denmark OIL! INN EnergyCard Mabanaft Contact Search gas stations Gas station finder & fuel prices Gas station services Car wash & car care Shop, convenience store & bistro Fuel dispenser Other gas station services Pension OIL! Our sustainability initiative. Overview Partnership with KlimaMoor Am Löh Offset of CO2 emissions for heat, water, and electricity at all OIL! stations in Germany Pro Klima Initiative Social commitment Support of climate protection projects Support for children with cancer and their families Children in road traffic - support for the Aktion Kinder-Unfallhilfe e.
V. Relief effort during the flood disaster About us OIL! Gas stations The brand OIL! Awards Corporate group
Brand industry
Heavy Industry and Engineering
Unter unserer Marke OIL! betreiben wir seit 1994 ein kontinuierlich wachsendes Tankstellennetz in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Dänemark.
Under our brand OIL!, we have been operating a continuously expanding network of gas stations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Denmark since 1994. OIL! Tankstellen GmbH - My local gas station Gas station finder & fuel prices Login for partners Become a gas station partner Websites of the OIL! Group Germany OIL! Austria OIL! Switzerland OIL! Denmark OIL! INN EnergyCard Mabanaft Contact Search gas stations Gas station finder & fuel prices Gas station services Car wash & car care Shop, convenience store & bistro Fuel dispenser Other gas station services Pension OIL! Our sustainability initiative. Overview Partnership with KlimaMoor Am Löh Offset of CO2 emissions for heat, water, and electricity at all OIL! stations in Germany Pro Klima Initiative Social commitment Support of climate protection projects Support for children with cancer and their families Children in road traffic - support for the Aktion Kinder-Unfallhilfe e.
V. Relief effort during the flood disaster About us OIL! Gas stations The brand OIL! Awards Corporate group
Brand industry
Heavy Industry and Engineering