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De OVAM streeft samen met u naar een duurzaam afval- en materialenbeheer en een propere bodem in Vlaanderen.


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About OVAM


OVAM is a brand dedicated to sustainable waste and materials management, as well as maintaining a clean environment in the region of Vlaanderen. Their mission is to work together with individuals and businesses to achieve a circular economy and protect valuable resources. OVAM offers various services and support for different aspects of waste, materials, and soil management.

They emphasize the importance of waste prevention and proper sorting for environmental and economic benefits. Moreover, OVAM values the preservation of open spaces, fertile soil, and clean groundwater in Vlaanderen. They aim to initiate the remediation process for all historical soil contaminations by 2036.

The brand also provides assistance and incentives to support sustainable practices for different target groups. Stay updated with OVAM's initiatives by subscribing to their newsletter. Join OVAM's team to contribute to waste reduction and the shift towards a circular economy in Vlaanderen


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Heavy Industry and Engineering

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OVAM's brand icon


De OVAM streeft samen met u naar een duurzaam afval- en materialenbeheer en een propere bodem in Vlaanderen. Selecteer hieronder het thema waar u concrete informatie over zoekt.

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OVAM's logos



OVAM's logos



About OVAM


OVAM is a brand dedicated to sustainable waste and materials management, as well as maintaining a clean environment in the region of Vlaanderen. Their mission is to work together with individuals and businesses to achieve a circular economy and protect valuable resources. OVAM offers various services and support for different aspects of waste, materials, and soil management.

They emphasize the importance of waste prevention and proper sorting for environmental and economic benefits. Moreover, OVAM values the preservation of open spaces, fertile soil, and clean groundwater in Vlaanderen. They aim to initiate the remediation process for all historical soil contaminations by 2036.

The brand also provides assistance and incentives to support sustainable practices for different target groups. Stay updated with OVAM's initiatives by subscribing to their newsletter. Join OVAM's team to contribute to waste reduction and the shift towards a circular economy in Vlaanderen


Brand industry

Heavy Industry and Engineering

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