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Põllumajandus.ee is a comprehensive online platform and trusted source of information for the agricultural sector in Estonia. As a subsidiary of Äripäev, it covers a wide range of topics related to farming and rural industries. Visitors can find up-to-date news, market overviews, interviews, opinion pieces, and valuable advice all in one place.
The platform specializes in providing the latest agricultural news from Estonia and abroad. Recently, it featured an article on the opening of a new dairy factory in Paide, which is expected to produce 100 tons of cheese and 70 tons of whey powder per day. It also explores the impact of this new facility on the local dairy industry.
Additionally, Põllumajandus.ee offers a variety of events and training courses for professionals in the field. From management training to business planning and sustainable solutions, they cater to the needs of farmers and entrepreneurs alike.
Stay informed with Põllumajandus.ee and unlock valuable insights for success in the ever-evolving agricultural sector.
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
201-500 employees
Company type
Privately Held
Põllumajandus.ee on Äripäeva teemaveeb, mis kajastab põllu- ja maamajandussektoris toimuvat – värsked uudised, turuülevaated, intervjuud, arvamus- ja kogemuslood ning väärtuslikud nõuanded.
Põllumajandus.ee is a comprehensive online platform and trusted source of information for the agricultural sector in Estonia. As a subsidiary of Äripäev, it covers a wide range of topics related to farming and rural industries. Visitors can find up-to-date news, market overviews, interviews, opinion pieces, and valuable advice all in one place.
The platform specializes in providing the latest agricultural news from Estonia and abroad. Recently, it featured an article on the opening of a new dairy factory in Paide, which is expected to produce 100 tons of cheese and 70 tons of whey powder per day. It also explores the impact of this new facility on the local dairy industry.
Additionally, Põllumajandus.ee offers a variety of events and training courses for professionals in the field. From management training to business planning and sustainable solutions, they cater to the needs of farmers and entrepreneurs alike.
Stay informed with Põllumajandus.ee and unlock valuable insights for success in the ever-evolving agricultural sector.
Brand industry
Arts and Entertainment
TV Movies and Streaming
Brand size
201-500 employees
Company type
Privately Held