پونز فروشگاه اینترنتی لوازم التحریر و لوازم اداری و لوازم مدرسه و فروش نوشت افزار و لوازم التحریر عمده و لوازم التحریر فانتزی و لوازم تحریر ایرانی 09101448910
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Punez is a comprehensive online store that specializes in office and stationery supplies. With a wide range of products, Punez offers everything from writing instruments and paper products to packaging materials and office furniture. They also provide digital devices such as fax machines and printers.
Punez aims to cater to the needs of both businesses and individuals by offering high-quality products at market prices. With their fast and free delivery service, customers can expect their orders to be
Brand industry
E-commerce and Shopping
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Public Company
Year founded
پونز فروشگاه اینترنتی لوازم التحریر و لوازم اداری و لوازم مدرسه و فروش نوشت افزار و لوازم التحریر عمده و لوازم التحریر فانتزی و لوازم تحریر ایرانی 09101448910
Punez is a comprehensive online store that specializes in office and stationery supplies. With a wide range of products, Punez offers everything from writing instruments and paper products to packaging materials and office furniture. They also provide digital devices such as fax machines and printers.
Punez aims to cater to the needs of both businesses and individuals by offering high-quality products at market prices. With their fast and free delivery service, customers can expect their orders to be
Brand industry
E-commerce and Shopping
Brand size
11-50 employees
Company type
Public Company
Year founded