TC Mariel's brand icon

TC Mariel

Diseñada para operar buques New Panamax Trazabilidad de los contenedores, durante 24hrs, los 7 días Puerto seguro ante huracanes Acceso rápido y seguro al muelle de la terminal Personal calificado y entusiasta Nuestros SERVICIOS Recepción / Entrega Almacenaje Carga / Descarga Movimientos anuales Los siguientes datos hacen referencia a los volúmenes anuales desde 2019 TEUs […]


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About TC Mariel


TC Mariel is a Cuban brand that operates as a 100% Cuban mercantile society. Located in Mariel, the Terminal de Contenedores de Mariel S. A.

The terminal offers a range of services including container reception and delivery, storage, loading and unloading, as well as ship mooring and unmooring, consolidation and deconsolidation of rolling cargo, and repair, inspection, cleaning, and fumigation of containers. With a modern infrastructure that includes Super Post-Panamax cranes, RTGs, RMGs, and vacuum handlers, TC Mariel ensures quick and secure access to the terminal's dock. The terminal operates using Container Intelligent Terminal Operation System (CITOS), a state-of-the-art operating system comparable to those used in the world's most modern ports.

TC Mariel is committed to providing efficient and quality port services while ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for its employees. Sustainability is also a priority for the brand as they prioritize the care of the environment in which the terminal is located


Brand industry

Business and Consumer Services

Shipping and Logistics

Brand size

501-1000 employees

Company type

Public Company

Year founded


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TC Mariel's brand icon
TC Mariel

Diseñada para operar buques New Panamax Trazabilidad de los contenedores, durante 24hrs, los 7 días Puerto seguro ante huracanes Acceso rápido y seguro al muelle de la terminal Personal calificado y entusiasta Nuestros SERVICIOS Recepción / Entrega Almacenaje Carga / Descarga Movimientos anuales Los siguientes datos hacen referencia a los volúmenes anuales desde 2019 TEUs […]

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TC Mariel's logos



TC Mariel's logos



About TC Mariel


TC Mariel is a Cuban brand that operates as a 100% Cuban mercantile society. Located in Mariel, the Terminal de Contenedores de Mariel S. A.

The terminal offers a range of services including container reception and delivery, storage, loading and unloading, as well as ship mooring and unmooring, consolidation and deconsolidation of rolling cargo, and repair, inspection, cleaning, and fumigation of containers. With a modern infrastructure that includes Super Post-Panamax cranes, RTGs, RMGs, and vacuum handlers, TC Mariel ensures quick and secure access to the terminal's dock. The terminal operates using Container Intelligent Terminal Operation System (CITOS), a state-of-the-art operating system comparable to those used in the world's most modern ports.

TC Mariel is committed to providing efficient and quality port services while ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for its employees. Sustainability is also a priority for the brand as they prioritize the care of the environment in which the terminal is located


Brand industry

Business and Consumer Services

Shipping and Logistics

Brand size

501-1000 employees

Company type

Public Company

Year founded


Brand Assets

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