UKBB, short for Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel, is a renowned brand that provides competent and compassionate healthcare services. Located in Basel, Switzerland, UKBB offers a wide range of medical treatments and specialist services for children, serving as a trusted center for rare diseases in the Northwest and Central Switzerland regions. Their team of expert medical professionals is available 24/7, providing medical advice and support through their Medgate Kids Line.
Whether you need assistance at home or abroad, UKBB ensures that you receive the care you and your child deserve. In addition to their medical services, UKBB also offers consultation and support for parents, as well as various amenities and entertainment options for patients during their stay. With a focus on quality and patient satisfaction, UKBB is committed to ensuring the well-being of children and their families
Brand industry
Brand size
1001-5000 employees
Company type
Government Agency
Year founded
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UKBB, short for Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel, is a renowned brand that provides competent and compassionate healthcare services. Located in Basel, Switzerland, UKBB offers a wide range of medical treatments and specialist services for children, serving as a trusted center for rare diseases in the Northwest and Central Switzerland regions. Their team of expert medical professionals is available 24/7, providing medical advice and support through their Medgate Kids Line.
Whether you need assistance at home or abroad, UKBB ensures that you receive the care you and your child deserve. In addition to their medical services, UKBB also offers consultation and support for parents, as well as various amenities and entertainment options for patients during their stay. With a focus on quality and patient satisfaction, UKBB is committed to ensuring the well-being of children and their families
Brand industry
Brand size
1001-5000 employees
Company type
Government Agency
Year founded