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Dag Lig


Unika är vårt samlade erbjudande inom LSS, med bred expertis inom individanpassad omsorg.


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About Dag Lig


Dag Lig is a brand that offers high-quality housing solutions within the LSS (Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments) in Nora, Sweden. With a focus on providing the best possible living arrangements, Dag Lig offers various options such as group homes and assistance solutions. They also have two of their own daily activity centers and access to occupational therapists, nurses, and consulting doctors.

The brand's aim is to help individuals lead as independent and fulfilling lives as possible. Dag Lig is known for their individualized approach and ability to see the potential in individuals with significant needs. Their range of services includes LSS housing, daily activities, and assistance solutions.

With a strong commitment to their clients, Dag Lig strives to inspire and support each individual in achieving a fulfilling and rewarding life. Contact them today to inquire about placement or for advice on LSS housing and assistance solutions


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Dag Lig's brand icon
Dag Lig


Unika är vårt samlade erbjudande inom LSS, med bred expertis inom individanpassad omsorg. Vi välkomnar alla med behov av stöd. För oss är alla lika unika.

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Dag Lig's logos



Dag Lig's logos



About Dag Lig


Dag Lig is a brand that offers high-quality housing solutions within the LSS (Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments) in Nora, Sweden. With a focus on providing the best possible living arrangements, Dag Lig offers various options such as group homes and assistance solutions. They also have two of their own daily activity centers and access to occupational therapists, nurses, and consulting doctors.

The brand's aim is to help individuals lead as independent and fulfilling lives as possible. Dag Lig is known for their individualized approach and ability to see the potential in individuals with significant needs. Their range of services includes LSS housing, daily activities, and assistance solutions.

With a strong commitment to their clients, Dag Lig strives to inspire and support each individual in achieving a fulfilling and rewarding life. Contact them today to inquire about placement or for advice on LSS housing and assistance solutions


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