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The world most largest biography website 4,096,440 Total Biography , You can filter by profession, age, education, gender, height, place of birth, children .


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Xwhos is the world's largest biography website, featuring over 3 million biographies. With Xwhos, you have access to an extensive collection of biographies that you can filter based on various criteria such as profession, age, education, gender, height, place of birth, and even the number of children. At Xwhos, we are constantly updating our database with new biographies, adding hundreds of new profiles every day.

In fact, yesterday alone, we added 487 new biographies for you to explore. Our website covers a wide range of occupations, from actors and politicians to screenwriters and footballers. You can also find biographies of renowned singers, film directors, and film producers.

Want to stay up-to-date with the latest on prominent figures? Check out our People on the Agenda section, where you can find profiles of individuals like Sivachandran Samyuktha, Sinรฉad O'Connor's daughter, and Mark Bouris' ex-wife, Katherine Bouris. Whether you're searching for new biographies, reading the most popular ones, or looking for individuals born or deceased today, Xwhos has it all. Start exploring and discover the fascinating stories behind notable personalities


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