
www.123.chat - Business VIDEO CHAT Tools


Video Chat Tool, Video konferenz Online Software, Video Streaming Online Toool, Video chat Plugin Wordpress Shopware Shopify, DSGVO Video Meeting Software


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About www.123.chat - Business VIDEO CHAT Tools


123. chat is a leading brand offering Business VIDEO CHAT Tools. Their products and services include Video Chat Tool, Video konferenz Online Software, and Video Streaming Online Tool.

They also provide a Video chat Plugin for platforms like Wordpress, Shopware, and Shopify. With their DSGVO Video Meeting Software Video Chat Tools, users can have secure online meetings and conferences. Their services cater to various needs such as 1:1 Live Video Chat for consultation and sales, 1:20 Video Meeting for safe conferences, and 1:2000 Video Event for online event moderation.

Additionally, their software allows live chat support with video for websites and online shops, helping users connect with and convert online visitors into customers. The brand offers easy integration of their Video Chat Tool on all web and shop systems, and the service can be accessed directly from the browser without any installation. Users can build an active customer relationship, increase sales, and provide support on all web and shop systems in compliance with DSGVO regulations.

123. chat offers a competitive pricing model starting at €29. 90 per month and provides a 30-day free trial.

Their video chat software is compatible with all website systems and can be easily integrated using plugins or HTML code. The brand prioritizes data security and complies with stringent European standards such as GDPR. With 123.

chat, users enjoy a comprehensive and secure video chat experience, making it their go-to choice for business communication needs


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Public Company

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