Tap into the largest database of company data to access key
firmographics like name, industry, description and more.
Discover customer stories
Global coverage
Brand story
Turn any URLs into a rich 200 character AI-description based on the content of their website.
In summary
Pure player
We’re the brand data specialist with a deep focus on B2B personalization use cases.
Global coverage
Our Brand API works in real-time, and returns data across every geo, industry, or size.
Highest accuracy
Brandfetch is the only provider with a 1st-party approach, guaranteeing you higher compliance.
Your questions, answered.
How does pricing work?
Does Brandfetch obtain permission from each brand?
Can I use the provided data for commercial purposes?
Do you offer plans for startup and nonprofits?
What’s the format of logos?
What is your coverage?
How often do you update your dataset?
How does Brandfetch compare to other providers?
Can I try before I commit to a paid contract?
I have more questions!
We're the leading brand data aggregator, simplifying next-level B2B personalization for developers
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