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Black Entertainment Television releases new visual identity from Sibling Rivalry



New York-based branding agency, Sibling Rivalry, recently updated the brand ecosystem of Black Entertainment Television.

The move is meant to reflect BET's commitment to advancing culture and creating value for the Black community. The rebrand impacts BET's entire ecosystem of networks, including BET Her, BET Jams, BET Soul, BET Experience, and BET+.

β€œAs the destination for all forms of Black creative expression, the concept of Black Canvas became the heart of the new identity,” Joe Wright, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Sibling Rivalry said in a press release. β€œA magnetic force that brings Black creators together. It could ultimately take on any shape or form, designed as a device to showcase all forms of expression.” 



As a part of the Black Canvas concept, BET and Sibling Rivalary curated and partnered with a variety of artists nationwide to bring their indivudal form of expression to the streets across the country, from Houston to Baltimore and more.

β€œThe new visual identity was a revolution, an opportunity to modernize, but more importantly, help the brand feel relevant and contemporary well into the future,” Wright added. β€œOur work was both a branding exercise and a cultural statement, staying true to its mission of advancing Black love, joy, power, and pride.”

BET "Where Black Dreams Flourish"

BET "Where Black Dreams Flourish"

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