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Hermes rebrands as Evri with 194,481 new logos

Hermes logo


Evri logo


Consumer delivery firm, Hermes, has completed a full rebrand complete with a new name and a new log. The company is now known as Evri.

According to It's Nice That, the rebrand includes up to 194,481 bespoke logo artwork thanks to a collaboration between brand agency Superunion and the font specialists at Monotype.

β€œEach character (A-Z) is accompanied by 20 OpenType alternate glyphs, all of which are completely different with their own unique display design," explains a release from Superunion. "The set also includes numerals 0-9 with four style variant sets and a single default set of punctuation and symbols.”

A statement from Evri noted that the new brand identity will be rolled out across all vehicles, parcel shops, and brick and mortar locations.

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