Bongo Comics


Bongo Comics Group is a comic book publishing company founded in 1993.


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Bongo Comics is an American comic book publishing company based in the United States. It was founded in 1993 by Matt Groening, the creator of the popular animated television series The Simpsons and Futurama. Bongo Comics is known for producing comics based on these TV shows, as well as other titles.

The company's headquarters are located in Santa Monica, California. The headquarters serve as the main hub for Bongo Comics' operations, including publishing, marketing, and distribution of its comic books. Bongo Comics primarily focuses on publishing comics featuring the iconic characters from The Simpsons and Futurama.

They also produce various other titles, including licensed comic book adaptations of popular franchises such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Adventure Time. The company's products are sold in comic book stores, bookstores, and online platforms. On a global scale, Bongo Comics has gained a significant following and has achieved success in the comic book industry.

While it mainly operates independently, Bongo Comics has formed partnerships with other companies. For example, they have collaborated with Dark Horse Comics on publishing certain titles and have also worked with other publishers to release translated versions of their comics worldwide. In terms of market position, Bongo Comics holds a prominent place within the comic book industry.

Their comics, featuring beloved characters from The Simpsons and Futurama, have a dedicated fanbase and are popular among readers of all ages. While there may be competitors in the industry, Bongo Comics has a unique advantage with its association with Matt Groening's successful television shows. Over the years, Bongo Comics has undergone changes in its strategy and product lineup to adapt to evolving market trends and reader preferences.

Notably, they have expanded their range of titles to include comics based on other popular franchises. These changes have contributed to the company's growth and continued success. Currently, Bongo Comics's latest updates or key information is not publicly available.

However, fans continue to enjoy their favorite comic books published by the company, which have entertained readers for decades with their witty humor, engaging storylines, and vibrant artwork


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