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Haynes Manuals


Haynes Manuals and AutoFix contain the most trusted repair and maintenance content for car, van, motorcycle, scooter and ATV, and the most advanced vehicle data available for DIY mechanics.


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Haynes Manuals is a renowned brand that specializes in producing comprehensive and reliable repair manuals for vehicles. Since the creation of their first manual in the mid-1960s, Haynes has maintained a meticulous approach to providing accurate and trustworthy repair advice, ensuring that each car, truck, and motorcycle is thoroughly documented. Their DIY-friendly techniques and tools have empowered millions of individuals to confidently maintain and repair their own vehicles.

Despite the increasing complexity of modern vehicles, Haynes Manuals believes that most tasks can still be easily accomplished by home mechanics, with only advanced electronic systems being more challenging. In addition to their vehicle repair manuals, Haynes also offers a wide range of practical lifestyle manuals, covering various areas of interest. They collaborate with expert authors and license partners, including Disney, the Royal Navy, and the RAF, to expand their brand and cater to a diverse global audience.

Haynes Manuals also collaborates with other companies, such as Brainbee and Topmotive, to integrate their technical data into innovative diagnostic tools and parts catalogues, respectively. Furthermore, they provide an online manual with extensive video content and interactive guides, catering to the growing demand for paperless and immediate access to repair information. With their commitment to providing reliable information and their extensive range of products and services, Haynes Manuals has become a trusted resource for DIY enthusiasts, professionals, and organizations alike


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