Crossroads Physical Therapy | Lincoln NE's asset
Crossroads Physical Therapy | Lincoln NE

What does hands on treatment consist of? All of our clients receive a combination of specific manual techniques integrated with corrective therapeutic exercises.


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Crossroads Physical Therapy in Lincoln, NE is a leading provider of individualized and patient-specific physical therapy treatments. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to helping our clients efficiently improve their health, resolve pain, and return to their desired lifestyle and function. What sets us apart is our approach to treatment.

Unlike other clinics, we prioritize extensive one-on-one time between the therapist and the client in a private treatment room. Each appointment lasts a minimum of 40 minutes, allowing us to focus on hands-on treatment rather than relying heavily on machines and modalities. At Crossroads Physical Therapy, we believe in educating our clients.

We empower them by teaching them how to stay healthy and pain-free. We also emphasize open communication with our clients' primary physicians and collaborate with trusted medical professionals when necessary. With a team of 8 experienced physical therapists and 1 physical therapy assistant, we have over 70 years of combined clinical experience.

This expertise allows us to excel in treating tough chronic cases. If you're looking for a progressive approach to overcoming pain and functional limitations, choose Crossroads Physical Therapy. Schedule a visit today and experience the difference our team can make in your recovery


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