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We began our journey around the world in 2016 and haven't looked back since.


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Dream Big, Travel Far is a travel blog created by Cazzy and Bradley, two passionate travelers with a strong desire to explore the world. They started this venture back in 2016 while still in university, driven by their love for travel and the dream of sharing their experiences with others. The blog aims to inspire and motivate people, especially fellow type 1 diabetics, to chase their travel aspirations and overcome any challenges they may face.

Cazzy and Bradley have embarked on unforgettable adventures, from backpacking through South America to exploring the castles of Europe and immersing themselves in the diverse cultures of Asia. They strive to visit every country in the world, with Cazzy hoping to become the first female type 1 diabetic to achieve this feat. Their journeys have taken them to breathtaking places like the Amazon Rainforest, Halong Bay, the Taj Mahal, and many more.

Living a nomadic lifestyle, Cazzy and Bradley work and travel simultaneously, embracing the freedom to live life on their own terms. They have worked hard to finance their travels and design a lifestyle they love, always sharing their experiences and knowledge with others. Follow their blog to join them on their global adventures and gain valuable travel insights.

Connect with them on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, where they interact with fellow travelers and type 1 diabetics. Cazzy and Bradley are more than happy to answer questions and provide assistance along the way. Dream Big, Travel Far is the ultimate inspiration for anyone seeking to turn their travel dreams into reality


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