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Fort Greene Park


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About Fort Greene Park


Fort Greene Park Conservancy is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to enriching and nurturing Fort Greene Park, a public space that prioritizes community. They partner with local communities and NYC Parks to program, maintain, and advocate for the park, ensuring that it remains a vital space for present and future generations. Their values are centered around fostering belonging, facilitating organizing and civic engagement, and demonstrating environmental stewardship.

They hold space for every park user and celebrate local communities through collaborative cultural, health and wellness, and environmental programming. They encourage and support gathering, organizing, and conducting all forms of civic engagement in the park, advocating for equitable access for all. They also focus on environmental stewardship by providing hands-on learning and volunteering opportunities to sustain the park's natural and built assets as a refuge and critical infrastructure for the neighborhood.

The Fort Greene Park Conservancy team consists of experienced professionals dedicated to their mission. Executive Director Rosamond Fletcher leads the organization, bringing her expertise in public space planning and urban design. Program Associate Kai Lawrence, Senior Manager of Park Projects & Programs Shakara Petteway, Public Programs and Engagement Manager Mia Rubin, and Communications Associate Annie Lee also contribute their skills to the Conservancy's efforts.

With their combined expertise and passion, the Fort Greene Park Conservancy is committed to creating a welcoming and thriving park for all to enjoy


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Community and Society


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2-10 employees

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Fort Greene Park's brand icon
Fort Greene Park

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About Fort Greene Park


Fort Greene Park Conservancy is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to enriching and nurturing Fort Greene Park, a public space that prioritizes community. They partner with local communities and NYC Parks to program, maintain, and advocate for the park, ensuring that it remains a vital space for present and future generations. Their values are centered around fostering belonging, facilitating organizing and civic engagement, and demonstrating environmental stewardship.

They hold space for every park user and celebrate local communities through collaborative cultural, health and wellness, and environmental programming. They encourage and support gathering, organizing, and conducting all forms of civic engagement in the park, advocating for equitable access for all. They also focus on environmental stewardship by providing hands-on learning and volunteering opportunities to sustain the park's natural and built assets as a refuge and critical infrastructure for the neighborhood.

The Fort Greene Park Conservancy team consists of experienced professionals dedicated to their mission. Executive Director Rosamond Fletcher leads the organization, bringing her expertise in public space planning and urban design. Program Associate Kai Lawrence, Senior Manager of Park Projects & Programs Shakara Petteway, Public Programs and Engagement Manager Mia Rubin, and Communications Associate Annie Lee also contribute their skills to the Conservancy's efforts.

With their combined expertise and passion, the Fort Greene Park Conservancy is committed to creating a welcoming and thriving park for all to enjoy


Brand industry

Community and Society


Brand size

2-10 employees

Company type


Year founded


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