Kawasaki Robotics EMEA's asset
Kawasaki Robotics EMEA


Die Roboterabteilung von Kawasaki Heavy Industries hat in ihrer inzwischen mehr als 50-jährigen Geschichte als erster Industrieroboterhersteller in Japan für zahlreiche Industriezweige, darunter die Automobilindustrie und die Elektroindustrie, eine Vielzahl an qualitativ hochwertigen und leistungsstarken Kawasaki Robotern für das Schweißen, die Montage und die Handhabung, das Lackieren und das Palettieren entwickelt und auf den Markt gebracht.


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Kawasaki Robotics EMEA is a leading brand in the field of industrial robotics. As part of the Kawasaki Heavy Industries Group, they have a diverse range of products and services to offer. With over 50 years of experience, Kawasaki Robotics has developed a wide range of robots, controllers, and other robotic solutions.

Their robot series includes various models designed to meet specific automation needs. These robots are the result of their extensive history and success in the industry. The controllers serve as the command center for controlling robot movements, ensuring precise and efficient operations.

In addition to robots and controllers, Kawasaki Robotics also offers other products such as simulation and offline programming tools, as well as vision systems to enhance the capabilities of their robots. Kawasaki Robotics prides itself on being the optimal automation partner, providing trustworthy solutions for the future. They offer excellent customer support and have a dedicated academy providing practical robotics courses.

Their website also features informative blog articles and case studies, offering valuable insights into the implementation of Kawasaki robots and industrial robotics in general. With a strong focus on innovation and growth, Kawasaki Robotics is dedicated to creating new value through cutting-edge technology and contributing to society. Visit their website to learn more about their products, services, and the vision for the future


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