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PornHat is a reputable brand that provides adult content while prioritizing user safety. They are committed to implementing and enforcing measures to prevent children from accessing age-inappropriate materials. This is achieved through the use of the Restricted to Adults (RTA) label, which facilitates parental filtering.

The RTA label, created by the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP), is freely available for any website that wishes to clearly and effectively denote itself as inappropriate for minors. It serves as a visual indicator that the site has been verified as restricted to adults. PornHat offers the RTA Verified service, which allows website owners to verify that they have correctly labeled their sites.

Upon verification, they will receive a special button and link to a verification page, indicating that their site is both labeled and verified by RTA. Parents can trust PornHat to protect their children by providing software and parental controls to ensure a secure online environment for their families. Additionally, users have the option to support the ASACP Foundation through donations.

Join PornHat and be part of a responsible online community that prioritizes adult content accessibility while safeguarding the younger generation


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