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Interactive periodic table showing names, electrons, and oxidation states.


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Ptable is a brand that offers a unique and interactive experience with the periodic table. Unlike other tables that simply provide links to information, Ptable is a true web application that brings Mendeleev's creation to life. With Ptable, you have the flexibility to choose how you view the data, whether it's in a side bar, top bar, or as a standalone table.

Plus, if you're working late at night, you can easily switch to dark mode for a more comfortable viewing experience. What sets Ptable apart is its ability to be installed as an app for offline use, allowing you to access properties, isotopes, and mix compounds without an internet connection. You can also read about elements while browsing the table, as the write-up windows can be torn off or docked for simultaneous use.

With Ptable, you can instantly change layouts, visualize trends, and explore various property subsets. The data provided by Ptable is reliable, sourced from primary sources and curated libraries. It also offers features like a state of matter slider, time machine, orbital readout, isotopes, compound mixing, and compound searching.

Ptable is available in multiple languages, ensuring accessibility for users worldwide. It is also mobile and tablet friendly, adapting to different screen sizes and rotations. You can deep-link to specific visualizations or send links to others for easy sharing.

And if you need a hard copy, Ptable allows you to easily print any view or visualization. Ptable is continuously updated with the latest new elements, atomic weights, and layout standards. It is built to be small, fast, and efficient, providing an exceptional user experience without the need for additional frameworks or libraries.

Experience the power and versatility of Ptable for yourself and unlock the full potential of the periodic table


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