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Rediff is a well-established brand that offers a range of products and services to help individuals and entities with their income tax returns (ITRs). Filing an accurate ITR is crucial, and Rediff understands that mistakes or incorrect information can sometimes happen inadvertently. That's why Rediff provides a solution in the form of a revised return, allowing taxpayers to rectify errors and make changes to their original ITR.

Under Section 139 (5) of the I-T Act, 1961, individuals and entities who have filed an original ITR can file a revised return if they discover errors or omissions. The deadline for filing the revised return for the financial year 2022-2023 would be December 31, 2023, provided the assessment of the original return has not been completed before that date. It's important to file a revised return promptly to avoid any penalties or charges.

While the income tax department does not impose a penalty for filing a revised ITR, missing the deadline could result in a late filing penalty under Section 234F of the I-T Act, 1961. It's worth noting that multiple revisions are allowed but may attract scrutiny from tax officers. Therefore, it's essential to provide a clear explanation for the changes made and keep supporting documents handy.

Unlike an updated return, which incurs a hefty penalty and is used to disclose additional income resulting in additional tax payments, a revised return can help taxpayers make changes and even lower their tax liabilities. When it comes to tax returns, it's important to stay informed and take advantage of opportunities to correct errors. Rediff is here to assist individuals and entities in filing their revised ITR accurately and efficiently


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