The Portable Wife's asset
The Portable Wife

The Portable Wife is a travel and expat life blog packed with detailed itineraries and guides to help you explore the globe efficiently and authentically.


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The Portable Wife is a brand that aims to inspire and guide people to explore the world and move abroad. Founded by a passionate traveler who relocated from the US to London, The Portable Wife is dedicated to showing others that international adventure and travel are not just passing fantasies. With a focus on efficient and authentic exploration, the brand provides travel itineraries that maximize the experience even in limited time.

Their guides offer budget-friendly activities and a mix of must-see attractions and local spots, ensuring a well-rounded travel experience. The Portable Wife believes in immersing oneself in local culture, from trying authentic cuisines to learning about the history and customs of each destination. By providing valuable tips and resources, this brand empowers individuals to make their travel dreams a reality.

Join their Patreon group for exclusive access to a resource library, including printable packing lists, money-saving tips, and insider travel guides. Embark on your next adventure with confidence and excitement, knowing that The Portable Wife has your back


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