The Spa Dr.'s asset
The Spa Dr.

We use the science of natural beauty in The Spa Dr.


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The Spa Dr. is a brand that harnesses the science of natural beauty to create skincare products that are carefully pH balanced to promote glowing skin and reduce the visible signs of aging. With a focus on clean and effective ingredients, their products are designed to provide natural radiance and overall skin health.

Their skincare line includes a range of products such as facial cleansers, lift and tight serums, enriched moisturizers, and facial boosts. Additionally, they offer body care, supplements, beauty supplements, balance supplements, tools, books, and quizzes to promote holistic well-being and balance from the inside out. The Spa Dr.

prides itself on offering quality skincare that is free from toxic ingredients and hormone disruptors, with a commitment to using worldwide best botanical and clinical active ingredients. Founded by Dr. Trevor Cates, they aim to empower women with knowledge and confidence, helping them achieve real results and inner radiance


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