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Upgrade Seattle


A Seattle Campaign for a Public Internet Utility.


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Upgrade Seattle is a grassroots campaign advocating for a public internet utility in the city of Seattle. They aim to bring municipal broadband to all residents, ensuring high-quality and affordable internet access for everyone. With one in six of our neighbors currently lacking home internet access, Upgrade Seattle recognizes that internet access is a social justice issue.

They believe that it's hard to get ahead without being able to get online and are committed to bridging the digital divide. Despite being a high-tech city, Seattle's local infrastructure lags behind smaller towns in terms of telecommunications. Upgrade Seattle believes it's time to upgrade the local telecommunications grid to live up to the city's technological innovator reputation.

They also understand the frustration with Internet Service Providers, such as Comcast and CenturyLink, who provide subpar service while raising rates. Upgrade Seattle envisions a future with a free and open internet, where all residents have access to an equal playing field online. They aim to counter the influence of large ISPs, like Comcast, who have spent considerable resources lobbying against municipal broadband in Seattle.

Upgrade Seattle believes that a public internet utility will not only save residents $80 million a year but also foster a stronger local economy by keeping dollars within the community. By supporting municipal broadband, Upgrade Seattle is investing in the city and creating local employment opportunities. Their vision for municipal broadband in Seattle is one of equal access and opportunities for all residents.

To support their cause, you can donate, join their mailing list, and participate in their advocacy efforts. Upgrade Seattle is committed to showing that Seattle isn't for sale and that residents deserve the choice and benefits of municipal broadband


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