Val Parisis Agglo's asset
Val Parisis Agglo

La communauté d'agglomération Val Parisis est une communauté d'agglomération située dans le département du Val-d'Oise et la région Île-de-France.


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Val Parisis Agglo is a community of communes located in the Val-d'Oise department and the Île-de-France region. Established on January 1, 2016, Val Parisis now represents approximately 278,000 inhabitants, 15 municipalities, and a territory of 87 km², including 1,668 hectares of wooded areas. Val Parisis Agglo offers a wide range of products and services to its residents.

They provide various community services, including intermunicipal and municipal facilities, with a focus on democratic participation and transparency. They also publish reports and videos, and conduct public consultations and surveys. In addition to their community services, Val Parisis Agglo is actively involved in major projects that aim to improve the region's infrastructure and promote sustainable development.

These projects include the construction of the Olympic aquatic center, the development of transportation hubs, the revitalization of economic activity parks, and the enhancement of natural spaces. Val Parisis Agglo strives to provide its residents with a high quality of life, focusing on preserving the environment, managing waste, ensuring clean streets, and promoting energy efficiency. They also provide support and subsidies for housing improvement and rental assistance, as well as facilitating access to social housing.

With its commitment to the well-being of its residents and the development of the region, Val Parisis Agglo is dedicated to creating a thriving and sustainable community


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