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Violence Free Minnesota

Violence Free Minnesota is the statewide coalition of programs working together to end relationship abuse.


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Violence Free Minnesota, founded in 1978, is a statewide coalition of over 90 member programs dedicated to putting an end to relationship abuse. Previously known as the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women (MCBW), the coalition recently adopted a new name that better reflects its ultimate objective: creating a violence-free state. With a vision to end relationship abuse, establish safety, and achieve social justice for all, Violence Free Minnesota strives to represent victim/survivors of relationship abuse and member programs, challenge systems and institutions, promote social change, and support, educate, and connect member programs.

The coalition focuses on several key areas, including economic justice, housing, racial justice, equity, disability rights, and reproductive freedom. Violence Free Minnesota recognizes that financial abuse occurs in nearly all abusive relationships, and therefore advocates for fair and equitable conditions that enable victims/survivors to attain stable and safe opportunities for financial independence. Additionally, the coalition works to address the intersection of relationship violence and housing instability, combating homelessness faced by women and their children when leaving abusive situations.

Addressing racial justice, Violence Free Minnesota recognizes that violence is disproportionately experienced by women of color and Native women, and that these communities face additional barriers when seeking supportive services. In an effort to dismantle racist systems, policies, and stereotypes, the coalition strives for racial justice and an end to violence. Recognizing the impact of compounded systemic oppression, Violence Free Minnesota promotes equity, advocating for a just and equitable world where all individuals have access to resources and support necessary for their well-being.

Disability rights are also a key focus for Violence Free Minnesota, as women with disabilities face higher rates of abuse and encounter additional barriers to accessing supportive services. By working to dismantle systems of oppression, including ableism, the coalition aims to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for victims/survivors with disabilities. Additionally, Violence Free Minnesota supports victims/survivors' right to reproductive freedom, advocating for comprehensive reproductive healthcare services and the autonomy to make reproductive choices without fear or coercion.

Through its comprehensive and multi-faceted approach, Violence Free Minnesota is committed to ending relationship abuse, promoting safety, and achieving social justice for all Minnesotans


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