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Widow Games


Widow Games was founded in 2012.


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Widow Games is a visionary video game development company that is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of gaming by leveraging the latest technology to create innovative and entertaining experiences. Founded in 2013 by former Microsoft employees, they have already developed over 15 mobile games and boast an impressive 1. 5 million monthly subscribers.

Their exceptional work in the gaming industry has not gone unnoticed. In 2019, they were selected out of 1700 applicants from 37 countries to participate in the prestigious Google's Indie Games Accelerator. Additionally, their game GEOPOLY was recognized as one of the four most innovative mobile games on iOS in their region by the Apple Latam team.

To stay up to date with their latest news and releases, be sure to follow Widow Games on their various social media platforms including Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Instagram. Download their latest version of GEOPOLY and experience the excitement for yourself on Google Play, Apple Store, Windows, or Mac OS. By purchasing GEO, their in-game currency, you can unlock exclusive features such as staking with high APY, acquiring unique Geopoly's NFTs of real businesses and special locations, winning special rewards in the Wheel-of-Fortune, participating in upcoming exclusive Geopoly NFTs auctions, and even journeying to the moon.

Don't miss out on this decentralized gaming experience! Please note that GEOPOLY™ and Widow Games™ are registered trademarks owned by Widow Games LLC. All rights reserved


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