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Verifone Embracing the New Era of Payment Technology

Verifone Old Logo
Verifone New Logo

In today’s fast changing tech world, companies need to keep up to stay competitive. Verifone, a top provider of payment solutions and systems architect, last year refreshed it’s brand to stay ahead.

Established by Bill Melton in 1981, the company’s name stands for Verification Phone. This change highlights Verifone’s strong history and dedication to innovation, while also setting it up for future growth and success.

A New Era of Verifone

Verifone launched its new identity on June 30, 2023. The company introduced a set of new brand identity, developed in collaboration with the Denmark-based design house NORD ID.

  • The new iconography
    The new logo features the Verifone “V” symbol, this captures the full range of commerce activities and shows the company's ability to create a connected ecosystem across all platforms and channels, as mentioned in Verifone’s press release.
Verifone is now the “Payments Architect and Commerce Expert” partner for all businesses everywhere.

Source: NORD ID

Source: NORD ID

  • Visual Identity
    Verifone chose mint green with a hint of blue as its main color, paired with a black logo. As for the typeface, Verifone developed its own custom font, though limited information is available to understand the motivation. However, you will get a the idea of it by visiting Verifone’s website directly.

Source: NORD ID

  • Brand Messaging
    The new messaging focuses on "Empowering Commerce," showing Verifone's commitment to helping businesses grow in a digital world.

Source: NORD ID

  • Navigation and User Experience
    Verifone Central has been redesigned to improve the user experience and align with the new branding. The portal features a new header, footer, homepage, and navigation menu that provide easier access to applications and tools.
  • Digital Presence
    Verifone also launched a new, user-friendly website for both global and local audiences, showcasing its updated brand identity.

Source: NORD ID

Source: NORD ID

Verifone's rebranding is expected to make a big impact in the payment technology industry. With its fresh identity and commitment to innovation, Verifone is ready to lead the future of commerce.

The world of commerce evolves constantly, and it is this dynamic environment that we've simplified and continue to revolutionize. Verifone started in the Fintech space over four decades ago, rapidly evolving our service offerings to meet the needs of all large and small businesses,” Mike Pulli | Verifone CEO.

Source: NORD ID

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